Tag: sex life

Ways Men Can Appear More Attractive on BedWays Men Can Appear More Attractive on Bed


There’s no doubt that men want to look their best when in bed with a woman. Unfortunately, not all men are blessed with good looks and an attractive physique. If you’re one of these men, don’t worry – we have some tips. Many devices could improve your manhood, like a penis enlargement device. Men who utilized a penis enlarging device every day for six months noticed a 32 percent rise in the length of their flaccid penis and a 36 percent increase in erectile function. In this blog post, we will discuss ways that men can appear more attractive in bed. So whether you’re single and looking to impress someone new, or you want to make your current partner happy, keep reading.

Try Different Positions

happy coupleIt’s good to remain with what works, but it can get boring for you and your partner. Take inspiration from porn, erotica, and the Kama Sutra to try out different positions.

If you’ve been with your partner for a while or are role-playing, trying different positions might help keep the passion alive. The partner on top has more power, whereas the partner underneath or behind is more submissive.

Keep Things Spontaneous

spontaneousIf you want to surprise your lover in the bedroom, suggest watching porn together as foreplay or introducing a new sex item to keep things interesting. Making things enjoyable and intriguing for you and your spouse means keeping things new and spontaneous. Once you’ve gained confidence in the bedroom, you might be ready to branch out and try sex or foreplay elsewhere. Perhaps you’ll catch your lover off guard in the kitchen by wearing nothing but an apron. You might rub your hand across their pants under the table in a restaurant. Attempting different places can be as thrilling as trying different poses.

Take Control in Bed

coupleTaking charge in the bedroom is perhaps the most obvious example of how to be more sexually confident. Go ahead and take control as long as you keep your partner’s needs and desires in mind. It takes both sides to be great in bed. One of the primary recommendations from doctors for improving your sex life is learning how to talk about sex with your partner. Confidence makes someone wonderful in bed, so don’t be shy and follow these recommendations.

Talking about your fantasies is another method to demonstrate your sexual confidence, similar to telling your spouse how you like to have sex. Sex is as mental as it is a physical process, so even if you don’t act on your fantasies, just thinking or talking about them might arouse you.…