Nectar International LLC Sex How-To Boost Your Mans Mojo: The Top Factors Impacting Mens Libido

How-To Boost Your Mans Mojo: The Top Factors Impacting Mens Libido

How-To Boost Your Mans Mojo: The Top Factors Impacting Mens Libido post thumbnail image

Sexual desire is a critical component of any healthy romantic relationship, and for men, this feeling is often referred to as “mojo.” Unfortunately, many men today struggle with low libido, making it challenging to maintain a happy and satisfying relationship with their partner. Various factors can impact male libido, from physical and mental health to lifestyle habits. Other things, like finding out whether does prostate work or not, can be a determining factor. But how do you know if your man is suffering from low libido? Here are some details to keep in mind:

Understanding the Importance of Male Libido

The male libido is essential for a healthy, active sex life. Aging and hormone changes can lead to a decline in libido over time, making it difficult for men to engage in intimacy with their partners. However, most of the time, low libido isn’t just due to natural aging but can also stem from an underlying condition or situation.

Low libido can adversely affect men’s relationships, especially if it goes untreated or unnoticed. This can create a feeling of tension between partners, leading to frustration, disappointment, and a lack of intimacy in relationships. When men experience decreased sexual desire, it can also affect their self-esteem and confidence, affecting other areas of their lives, such as job performance.

The Connection Between Physical Health and Libido


Physical health plays a significant role in male libido. Conditions like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular disease can lead to low libido levels. These conditions can affect men’s overall physical health, which increases the likelihood of erectile dysfunction and other sexual concerns that can impact intimacy with their partners.

Mental Health and Its Impact on Male Libido

Mental health plays a critical role in male libido. Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety can impact men’s sexual desire, affecting their ability to have intimate relationships with their partners. Stress is one of the most significant factors that affect mental health and, by extension, libido levels.

The Impact of Poor Sleep, Smoking, and Drinking on Male Libido

smokeSleep plays a significant role in male libido. A lack of sleep can decrease libido levels, making intimacy challenging for men. Smokers should also consider quitting, as smoking lowers libido levels and harms overall physical health. Alcohol and caffeine should be consumed moderately, as excessive consumption can hurt libido levels.

Low libido isn’t uncommon in men, but it doesn’t have to be an inevitable part of life. Some factors affecting libido levels, such as aging, cannot be prevented, but many others can be managed with proper lifestyle habits and treatment. By adopting healthy practices, managing stress levels, and addressing underlying health conditions, men can increase their libido levels and maintain positive relationships with their partners.

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How To Naturally Boost Your Sex DriveHow To Naturally Boost Your Sex Drive

Having a low sex drive will harm your relationship or marriage if it is not taken care of. This may make your partner feel unwanted hence affect the way both of you relate. Low sex drive may be caused by various factors including; stress, being overweight among others.

Ways of how to boost your sex drive naturally

1. Eating fruits

Fruits like bananas, avocados, and figs are known to increase libido. This is because they are rich in vitamins and minerals as well which enhance the flow of blood to the genitals making one have a healthy sex life.345trgefd

2. Relieve your stress

Stress is a major cause of low sex drive. Even if one is health physically, stress will take a toll on their sex life. To alleviate stress one can engage in sports or even take yoga classes. Meditation is also helpful in eliminating stress. Exercising has a way of taking your mind off that thing which is stressing you hence help you relax.

3. Eat more chocolate

Chocolate has been used for long to enhance sexual pleasure even in the past years. This is because it improves the release of serotonin and phenylethylamine in one’s body which in turn produces aphrodisiac effects. This goes a long way in boosting your sex drive naturally

4. Use of herbs

Some herbs are known to have aphrodisiac effects also. Garlic and basil are known to have such. Basil helps in stimulating the senses while garlic, on the other hand, has allicin which increases the flow of blood. Gingko Biloba is also helpful in treating sexual dysfunctions caused by antidepressants. Garlic should be used in moderation due to the strong smell which may end up spoiling the moment as you get cozy.

5. Work on your self-confidence

How you feel about yourself influences how your drive towards sex. Having a poor self-image due to lack of exercises makes you have a low self-esteem. Working on your esteem issues will help you focus on what you do best hence improving your experience of sexual pleasure.

6. Get enough rest

Sex drive is affected by the levels of testosterone in one’s body. Not having enough sleep will make your testosterone levels to drop which makes one lack sex drive.

7. Solve any issues in your relationship

3r45t6ytrefrgtyrgfHaving arguments should be solved so that both of you get into the mood of making love. Having arguments without making up or having unresolved conflicts will affect your sexual life such issues should be kept in check. Learn to forgive each other for wrongs done. Communication should be taken very seriously as well since it is the backbone of many happy relationships.

8. Stay in shape

Being obese and having belly fat lowers your testosterone to dangerously low levels. This is because the fat cells have more aromatase which converts testosterone to estrogen. Being overweight leads to hormonal imbalance which kills your sex drive due to the low testosterone levels. Watching your weight promotes hormonal balance necessary for good sexual life.

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Various Ways to Enhance Male Sexual Performance NaturallyVarious Ways to Enhance Male Sexual Performance Naturally

Some men wish they could have an excellent sexual performance to have optimal pleasure and satisfy their partners. But, unfortunately, such men do not perform well sexually due to erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and other problems. The good news is that males who want to boost their sexual performance can use the best natural male enhancement supplements to realize great results. The supplements have many benefits, such as fast and firmer erections, increased sperm count to enable men to impregnate women, and even increased testosterone levels resulting in high libido.

Here are some tips that men can use to improve their sex performance naturally:

Eating Healthily

eat healthy foodsEating has a significant role in the whole body, including boosting sex performance. Men can prevent some of the problems that lead to poor sex performance, like unhealthy cholesterol, low energy levels, and poor blood circulation. The good news is that men can enhance their libido by watching their diet and ensuring they eat enough fruits and vegetables, high-quality proteins, and whole grain.

They also need to avoid highly processed foods and unhealthy fats that lead to high cholesterol levels. In addition, eating a balanced diet will ensure adequate blood flow to the penis for firmer erections and promote healthy sperms, among other benefits.

Exercising Regularly

Working out frequently is one of the greatest things that get men ready to satisfy their sexual partners. Taking exercises daily would be the best way, and its doe not have to be so complex or many activities. This because even 15 minutes of working out each day can improve a man’s self-image, self-esteem and even boost his libido. Moreover, exercising leads to more pleasure in the physical aspects of sex. Workouts also promote cardiovascular health, which is vital for a healthy erection and excellent sex performance.

Practicing Foreplay

practicing foreplay can enhace sexSex experts recommend couples not to skimp on foreplay regardless of the duration they have been together or how they get revved for great sex. foreplay contributes significantly to better sex experience and stronger orgasms. It would help to concentrate when doing foreplay and even during intercourse to have an enjoyable experience.

Men need to take part in foreplay to spice up things using their creativity, including using sex toys, watching porn with their partners, etc. All these will help to enhance their sex performance for their optimal pleasure and satisfaction to their partners.

Managing Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can make a man not perform well in sex and lead to various issues like erecting problems. Luckily, managing and reducing stress is not so complex because men can do it by having enough rest and sleep, meditating, talking over their issues with their partners or other people.


Key Pointers for First Time SwingersKey Pointers for First Time Swingers

In some cases, swinging can be the right fix to a failing relationship; it can also be the cause of a total break up. Swinging is a sexual practice wherein two heterosexual partners consent to a non-monogamous relationship that can include partner swapping and group sex.

This sexual practice, which is also referred to as “the lifestyle,” has been on the rise since the 1960s when there was a boom of contraceptives and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases. Swinging hookups can happen spontaneously in a bar or in a gathering that was organized for the purpose. There are also some clubs that are ‘swingers-friendly.” These are places where a community of de couple échangiste or couple swingers usually go. And do you know that there are websites meant for swingers nowadays? Indeed, finding an open-minded person for this kind of sexual practice is no longer a problem with the presence of these websites.

So, are you ready to take that swinging plunge? Here are some tips to make it more meaningful and to achieve your goal of saving your relationship with your beau.

Don’t Involve Your Emotions

sexIt should all be sex only. There should never be strings attached. “The lifestyle” does not encourage attachment or the feelings of love other than to your partner. You can have friendly relationships with the other swingers like going to the same parties and clubs, but it should not go beyond that.

As a rule, set your goals. And that is to achieve the maximum sexual gratification only from the experience.

Start With a Soft Swap

Once you talked it out with your partner to consider having the “lifestyle,” you can start with a soft swap. This means you can do anything in bed with the other couple, like necking, petting, kissing, oral, sex, fingering, and others except penetration. Penetration should only be left for you and your real partner. This will allow you to still get the ultimate satisfaction from each other.

While it is your first time, make it a habit to always ensure safe sexual practices to protect yourself from STDs.

Join a Community and Build Friendships

protectionGetting into a swinging community is not already as tricky as before, where you need to play guessing more games before you can come up with open-minded couples like yours. With websites primarily for swinging couples, you can now easily be with a community with the same desires. From there, you can form a special bond with select members and have your own swinging group.

While many still do not understand and accept the concept of swinging, some make it a way to save their relationship, and many were successful. They even made their love affair more intimate and drew more respect for each other. Some swear that they became more candid toward each other, which has helped them to communicate their feelings with each other.