Tag: issues

Why Some Men Do Not Get LaidWhy Some Men Do Not Get Laid


It is always tiring to hear a man complain that it’s easier for women to get laid than it is for men. For any keen person, it is easy to notice that women as equivalently sexually excited as men or even more in some cases. Many of the women are chilled and waiting for the men to reach out. In this digital era, finding a partner to have sex with is very easy. However, in the real-world things are a tiny bit complex.

To stop this ongoing narrative, here are some tips on why it’s harder for some men to have some action in their lives.

Too Desperate and Eager

It’s no secret that most men are eager to have sex. Even without attempting to try and know the woman, most of the men are quick to head straight to the sex topic. Even when the lady has a burning desire to sleep with you, do not be too quick about it and try to rush things.
two partners
Women are more often enticed with little things and gestures from men. Build up a normal conversation in your chats; nonetheless, this doesn’t imply avoiding sexual conversations. Your aim here is to make the woman feel appreciated and not just viewed as a sexpot.

Men Fear Getting Rejected

As the phrase goes, “man up!” Yes, it’s high time that men faced reality and accept the fact that not every woman is interested in sex. Some women want to build a friendship or bond before becoming sexually adventurous with a man.

The advice here is simple, face reality. If you feel like making a sexual approach to any woman, feel free. However, be prepared for different reactions because not all women appreciate the straight forward approach. Keep in mind that it is not always total rejection; some women like playing hard to get but will eventually give in to your pursuit.

Lack of Confidence

Men are oddly complicated when it comes to how they handle issues. Rather than give a poor performance, the majority of the men will avoid the whole act. What some of these men do not understand is that everyone has to begin from somewhere.
No one is born sexually experienced, and like every other activity, sex needs practice too. You can’t be a good kisser just by staring at kissing scenes on TV. In the case of poor performance, be confident enough to approach the woman and let her know what to expect. If you are lucky enough, she might be interested in giving you some tips.


Lastly, the majority of men build high expectations. These expectations are usually due to frequent exposure to porn. Sex doesn’t need to be as steamy as it is visualized in pornography. Use your previous sexual experience(s) and do what works for you. It’s that simple.

I hope this article will help lower the rate of complaints from men.…